The Ancient Super Continent Gondwanaland broke apart approximately 200 Million years ago, tearing Madagascar and Antarctica away from Africa. The broken edge of the Continent titled up due to the weight of the vast shallow sea that stretched westward...
More InfoThe Labyrinth at Boondocks is one of the Genesis Route’s best kept secrets. Perched on top of an impressive rocky outcrop, with panoramic views of pristine bushveld as far as the eye can see it is an oasis of tranquillity.
More InfoEat at the local Portuguese Restaurant and taste delicious meals like “Figados Degalinga á piripiri”, which are Peri-Peri chicken livers. The “Batata Frita” is known to be the best South African Portuguese potato chips in the country.
More InfoCenotaph Msukaligwa in Ermelo city centre honours liberation heros from the Gert Sibande District Municipality, who fought for racial equality in the liberation struggle.
More InfoChrissiesmeer is known as the watershed area of South Africa. Four big river systems start in this Lake District; the Vaal, Komatie, Olifants and Usutu Rivers. Each of these rivers flow in a different direction.
More InfoTravel back in time and dine as a Royal or Noblemen, in the luxury and opulence of the 1800’s.
More InfoDoornkop Fish and Wildlife Reserve is a three hours` drive from Johannesburg. There are numerous activities that’ll keep you busy, unless you simply want to relax in the pristine setting of the surrounding hills.
More InfoThe Pixley Isaka Ka Seme Statue is located within the Daggakraal community. It is well worth a visit for anyone who would like to learn more about his role in South Africa's liberation movement.
More InfoThis home-style bakery makes everything from quiches and cookies to cakes and other decadent sweet treats.
More InfoThe Ebutsini 4x4 Trail is nestled between the Songimvelo Nature Reserve in Mpumalanga and the border of Swaziland, an independent kingdom bordered by South Africa. It is 55 kilometres from eManzana, and allows for some excellent sightseeing for visit...
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