SATSA is pleased to offer historically disadvantaged small- and medium-sized tourism operators the exciting opportunity to attend training, be part of a peer-to-peer mentorship programme and ultimately meet and present to 45 large South African inbound trade members and DMCs.
You are invited to register for the programme by completing the attached registration form and submitting it to SATSA by 15 December 2016.
Please view the programme details and timeline here
Training topics will include
- Statutory requirements
- Tourism channel and services including classifying tourists and developing itineraries
- Commission, pricing and costing
- Contract and supplier management
- Insurance
- Customer service and quality assurance
- Marketing and networking
- Sales tracking and impact monitoring
- Advanced presentation skills
- Preparation, attendance and follow-up for exhibitions and other trade marketing platforms
- Insights into trade requirements
- Participation in this project is free of charge as it is being funded through South African Tourism and the National Department of Tourism
- Travel and accommodation for the five-day training course will be at the operator’s own cost
- Travel to and from the mentorship introduction workshop will be at the operator’s own cost
- South African Tourism and the National Department of Tourism will arrange Indaba exhibition space, travel and accommodation. Meals and other costs will be for the operator’s own accounty
To qualify for selection operators must:
- Be a small- or medium-sized inbound tourism enterprise, operating for at least six months and with an annual turnover not exceeding R45 million
- Be formally registered enterprises in terms of the Companies Act, Co-operative Act and the Trust Property Control Act
- Be majority South African and privately owned
- Be 50% or more black ownership
- Be tax compliant in accordance with the regulations of the South African Revenue Service
- Be adequately insured
- Be compliant with other statutory requirements such as Transport Operating Licences, etc.
To register, please download and complete the SME Registration form (electronically) and return with all supporting documents to by 15 December 2016.
For further information please contact:
Hannelie du Toit
083 600 3555 |